Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Friends and thoughtful presents!

I stopped over to my good friend Beth's house over the Christmas holiday to drop off a gift to her....see we have this "White Christmas" friendship.....We love old movies, old songs and old "stuff!" She has the most unique house and the most gorgeous eye for decorating and I left her house with a bunch of ideas that are swirling around in my head....Like she put these adorable stripey cloth napkins on the backs of her chairs.....Ok well that's another post......ANYHOW....She has this Shadow box on her kitchen Island that has this adorable little pink sparkly snowy Christmassy scene inside that stopped me in my pink glittered tracks.....Because if you know me at all you know I LOVE things that sparkle! haha That's why I love snow so much I think.......Ok....so anyhow on with the story......I raved and ooohed and aaahhhed over it .......Well a few nights ago I was laying in bed thinking about the cute napkins wrapped on the chairs idea and then thought of the adorable shadow box which led me to email her later and ask if she bought the box local so I could GET ME ONE TOO......

Well.....she didn't answer me and so tonight I was going to email her and tell her "Hey you missed my question amidst all the goodies we dished about in the email" (She's a hoot to email with) and wouldn't you KNOW???? She shows up at my door today with THIS:

Of course I already filled it....and did I have fun, it was like playing with a dollhouse! I LOVED it and was so glad to find cutie little things to put in it and the ideas I have for future.....Beth fills hers with each holiday or occasion.....I already have a cute ceramic cupcake eyed out at Target for Valentines and then Mike said tonight that I could get a frame that fits it and put the kids pictures in it for their Birthdays......the possibilities are endless! Don't you love it when you get cute gifts that just make ya go "WHAT?.....YOU GOT ME THIS?" adorable.....


  1. Beth is a treasure! I can just imagine it all!

  2. Okay, you have FABULOUS ideas for your box and I love what you've already done! You don't give yourself enough credit, girlie! You're way too kind. I adore our friendship. XOXOX

  3. So stinkin' cute! I love the fact that you can change it with the seasons, so it's always a new and interesting piece of decor. I just may have to "borrow" this idea. LOL

  4. That's so cute, but where did she get it? We'd all like to get one too!
