Well we're in the heart of Winter here......The snow has really fallen in the last few weeks here! We're expecting a few inches tonight AND......10-12" starting Tuesday night! Now...sometimes these weather men are wrong but if not we're in for it! I already emailed Mike and told him to bring home more milk! haha

If Grace can talk Macy into coming outside to play (somehow they reach this age when they don't want to go outside and play anymore, boo hoo) they HAVE A BLAST! here they are striking a Diva pose because I'm sure they are disgusted I am always calling them to the window to take their pictures! they are currently working on a really cool fort and they have worked almost daily scooping snow into a pile to turn around and dig it out to make a fort!
A funny story about a fort....when my brother and I were young, I was probably 11 and he was 5 we were out playing in the snow! My dad always had the driveway shoveled and we had alot of snow that year so there was a huge pile at the side of the driveway at the end so my brother and I made a HUGE fort...I'm talking maybe 6 feet high and the length of the pile was maybe 8 feet....so my brother and I were in that fort collecting snowballs ......snowballs.......to throw AT PASSING CARS!! (*gulp* ..yes this NOW makes me gulp since I'm a parent)......So we built up our supply and my dad was shoveling away in the driveway not far from us and my brother and I started our plan to pelt passing cars....
We got several good "thumps" as cars passed by......BUT....we got a pick up truck that we hit right in the passenger window......so we took cover in the fort because.....he stopped that truck and jammed it in reverse and rolled down that window....my brother and I were undercover....SO.....WHO was there shoveling away innocent as could be?? MY DAD! That truck driver yelled at him and accused HIM....now that is so funny to me but it wasn't then.....AS IF....my DAD would throw a snowball.......then the guy drove off and my brother and I sat frozen listening for my dad to call out or come to US.......nothing but the scraping of the shovel...and what was that noise? ...laughter?? YES my dad was laughing.....out we scurried to a big smile across my dad's face ......now my dad was not one to stand any shenanigan's when we were little but that smile is something we'll never forgot....He laughed and smiled and said "Now if you do that anymore....I won't be laughing anymore!" hahaha so funny....I can't imagine what I would do to my own kids today if they did such a thing.......although I think I KNOW I would NOT be smiling!

Here's my Jordan out using the snow blower....I honestly thought Mike was giddy the day he didn't have to cut the lawn or shovel snow anymore because Jordan was old enough!! haha We reward him well for these jobs...and now that Jordan drives well that even makes it better!

I have alot of people and friends that get after me on Face book for liking Winter so much and SNOW especially...not alot of my friends like snow for some odd reason....I think it's so pretty and it truly does make me HAPPY! Especially those stuck inside snow days when we've all been indoors together...I remember last year when church was cancelled on a Sunday morning and we had a blizzard....we made the best memories that day! we made 4 kinds of cookies, homemade hot cocoa and played Monopoly......it was so much fun!

On the RARE occasion that I go out into the snow myself it's always so exciting to Grace...I heard her tell someone last night "My mom doesn't like to go outside that much in Winter!" haha I am truly a snow lover from the windowpane! but last Thursday I was grumpy and I was trying to take a short nap and the girls were outside my bedroom patio door where I TOLD them to play so I could hear them (ha sorta defeats the nap idea) and I kept grouching at them out the window to not throw icicles and hit each other with snowballs in the face.....so I thought it was so silly to sit there barking orders so I got on my snow pants and snow clothes and went out to JOIN THEM....we weren't out long since it was cold but there is something about sitting in a pile of snow.....
I hope you are all enjoying the Winter.....the biggest reason I love Winter is that it's the only season all year that we're all home for dinner almost daily, no one goes out after dark, it's snugly and cozy to sit by a fire, we read alot together and play games......and it's just SLOWER, I cherish every moment because I know it will end quicker than I can imagine...time is going so fast......Spring will come and we'll be outside in the driveway with chalk, no one will want to come in after dinner to snuggle up and read and we won't spend as much time eating cookies and snuggling in our pj's........so enjoy the WINTER WHILE WE HAVE IT!!! <3
"Out of the south comes the storm, and out of the North the cold. From the breath of God ice is made, and the expanse of the water is frozen." Job 37:9-10