Saturday, February 13, 2010

Mid Winter Break!

It's Mid Winter break for us. We have school off Friday and Monday this week and we've thoroughly enjoyed it! It amazes me sometimes at how much I get done in a week, how hard I work (sometimes ha) and how crazy our schedule can seem at times......and then a vacation day or two comes along and I'm vacationing like the best of em! ha It was all I could do to haul myself into a shower yesterday and it was to be taken TO LUNCH no less! haha I did and I brought my camera to Olive Garden and I snuck it out of my purse two times and took photos of my DINNER! HAHA my kids were bewildered at first and their expressions were priceless when I quickly snapped a photo of my food.....BUT....they didn't turn out so well so I didn't bother posting them.....You all know what Fettuccine Alfredo and their delicious bread sticks taste like....It was a divine lunch and the bread sticks were so fresh and so yummy!! and we had two bowls of salad! ha I had a gift card I got for Christmas so an almost free lunch always tastes better you know! We went around 2:00 so it was a late lunch /early dinner.......

After lunch we went to Barnes and Noble (another gift card) and we had a nice relaxing time wandering around......I pulled the camera out again and if you look closely you can see how embarrassed Macy was! haha I loved it...I took 3 pictures in there and it was so funny! There's a blog I read called Kelly's Corner, it's on my sidebar and she's always taking photos of her meal or her outings and I kept joking I was like her and they were laughing....most of the time! I doubt if those establishments want you taking photos in their stores! ha I didn't use a flash and I was very discreet! plus making my kids cringe was so worth it!!
I like to get the kids books for Valentine's day and not very much candy! Especially since we still have CHRISTMAS candy! It was a great day out with the kids! We had our Valentine's celebration this afternoon since tomorrow is church and we're going to my mom's for dinner and she will have JUNK, I mean Valentine's stuff for them I'm sure!(ha)

I wish I had snapped Jordan with a smile.....but he was looking over a new devotional book we got him. We also got him a Runners magazine, a Nerd rope, a box of Nerds (do you sense a pattern? ha just kiddin) Simple and fun!

Macy, as always loves to get books, I got her two (of a series) of books about an Amish girl and her lifestyle. They are comedies and look so cute! Macy is a CHOCOlate lover so we got her a heart of chocolates, a Nerd rope and an American girl magazine that was really cute! I also made each child a homemade bookmark and embossed a verse on it!

Last but not least, Gracie monkey pie got a Chocolate heart as well, a book Nate the Great and the Mushy Gushy Valentine, The Bernstein Bears Say Their Prayers (which is young for her I know, but we collect them and I had not ever seen it before), a Nerd rope and bookmark too!

Mike got me an old movie I love and I rent from our library at least 3 or 4 times a year! It's called Every Girl Should Be Married. Cary Grant plays a Dr. that a young cute gal named Annabelle wants to nab as a husband....and the antics she goes through to get him are so old fashioned and have to rent it!
Leanne brought her daughter Lydia over to spend the night. Lydia and Macy are best buds and Leanne brought me a bag of DARK ChocoLATE Peanut M & M's.....Considering she helped me polish off a bag Thursday night at a meeting(well I should admit I ate the rest on the drive home) she must have figured I needed MORE! ha Thank you Leanne for that sweet treat!!
I have many more posts for this week because this weekend we made Oatmeal Cherry Walnut cookies, Gingerbread sugared hearts to take to Sunday school, Brownies to take to my mom's tomorrow, homemade DELICIOUS pizza tonight for supper AND I made a to die for recipe of Emeril's for baked healthy fries...WOW.....he taught me a trick that is KEY to great crispy yummy fries....but like I said, that's for another post!!!


  1. Oh, you! You make me SMILE!!!!

  2. Hope you have a great Valentine's Day!! Loved all the pics. You crack me up with your undercover picture taking!! Can I get the fries recipe? Sounds good! Have a great day.
