Sunday, August 24, 2008


Today we took communion at our church and it seemed the Holy Spirit was really working there today! Our message was on how God provided manna and I was so impressed that when I let my thoughts and my mind get so wrapped up in "tomorrow" that I forget that God provided a gift in today!
When we partake in communion it can be such a personal time. I felt overwhelmed with how much God loves me, a simple mom, who thinks the roof is caving in somedays! I forget how good he is to me on a DAILY basis!
My words are getting jumbled haha I love the song by 3rd. day called communion.....I hope your speakers are on and you can bask in those words and be "hungry" for HIM and know that today is what HE has given us! Aren't we blessed to sit in a church and be able to freely take communion and "commune" with a God who loves us on such a sweet and personal level!!??

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