Thursday, December 9, 2010

Jesse tree....

Last year I remember reading a friend's blog about making a Jesse Tree. So..this year I was thinking about some advent activities we could do with the kids that would celebrate the true reason for the the Jesse tree was the choice this year!

A Jesse tree marks the family tree or the bible characters that lead up to Jesus being born, starting with Adam and Eve and so on.......I have to say in just the week that we've been doing it I've learned little tidbits here and there. So on a daily basis there is a bible character, for instance on day one it was Adam. There's an ornament you color of Adam and a bible reading for that character and then you hang it on your tree. We made our tree out of colored paper but you can use any tree you'd like.

We chose a website that was geared for younger kids since Grace is the youngest....but there are some with more in depth readings that you could certainly use.

It was alot of fun creating our tree and we decided to hang it on the back of the kitchen doesn't take much time, holds even the youngest child's attention. You could certainly create your own ornaments and make it a real project!
We have had a lot of very sad events in our church family over the last few weeks, the death of a friend's teen aged daughter and the loss of a newborn baby for another and others who have lost their parent we decided to incorporate family prayer after we do this and pray specifically "for" others that might be hurting over the holidays this year!

The nice thing about this is I think even Jordan enjoys getting in touch with his inner "child" haha and it just draws our attention away from the "commercial" of life........We love everything that has to do with Christmas, all the tv. specials, and the movies and the baking and shopping but it's so important to pull your kids back to what we're "really" celebrating!!! and this is a fun way to do that!
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO's not too late to start your Jesse Tree...we didn't make ours until we would have been on day 6!

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