Monday, November 8, 2010

Cruising through the holidays.......

There a great website, Flylady, click here to head there! It's a website that helps you get your housework on track! I just started doing what's called "Holiday missions". She has a whole plan that gets your house ready for the holidays and it's broken down in manageable jobs. If you click on the link it leads you to a Big Christmas tree, just click on Holiday missions to get started.
Even if you weren't hosting anyone for the holidays it gets you motivated to get your house in order or atleast free of clutter!

I love the holidays, any of you who know me, know that, and I love to HOST HOST HOST......but I also like to have time to enjoy it too so being organized and motivated is a huge help!

If you have time you can go to the home page on Flylady and read about regular daily missions, I'm doing those as well and what she's done is break your house down into "Zones" and you concentrate on that Zone for the week so it's manageable and you're not cleaning all over the house like a madwoman! ha

These little missions don't just pertain to getting ready for Christmas it's for Thanksgiving as well and I've found them to help remind me of things I may have forgotten to do! You can also watch the daily Holiday missions on her tv. page each day, that's kind of fun too!

Hope you find some great motivation over there.......I just filled my sink with Mr. Clean and I"m planning to hit the high spots in the kitchen. Top of the fridge and ceiling fans.....I may even do some extras so then I can enjoy things like......JUMPIN IN THE LEAVES WITH GRACE! (don't forget to put on some "moving" musis...I've got ya going for the first 15 mins. on my blog here so turn up the speakers and get that sink full of soapy water!!!)

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