I buy most of my spices in bulk since they are far cheaper that way and you can buy more for your money this way too.......So I went in search of a spice rack that I could use for my spices and found they are VERY costly......So I tried to get creative and look for little jars, I thought of going to the restaurant supply store for salt shakers but then realized I needed them sealed so I went into the section in the grocery store where they sell small plastic containers and VOILA......canning supplies hit me first and there were these darling little tiny (I want to say 2 oz) jars with lids for a whopping $3.79 for a dozen.....and they came with the little darling labels to boot.......Later in the week I even came accrossed a coupon for $1 off so I would've used it if I had it and it would've been even cheaper.....I like how you can open the jar and dip your measuring spoon right into the jar easily.......I plan to buy another set since I am a collector of unique candy sprinkles for cupcakes, cookies or dessert toppers and I thought how sweet all the different colored sprinkles and candies will look as the holidays approach (some of you may not care if "cuteness" is in the picture...but I do...it's the little things right? haha) So......just a thought for you to save some $$! This is a great time of year to find these jars since it's canning season...are you canning? we're canning about a dozen jars of apple sauce this Fall and a few jars of spiced apples......mmmm I love apple anything!!!
13 hours ago